Hypoaspis aculeifer
What pest can I use H.aculeifer to control?
Hypoaspis aculeifer is a soil predatory mite and can be used to control thrip pupae in the soil. They will also aid in the control of other soil inhabiting pests such as fungus gnats and springtails. Ideally this soil species should be used to complement a foliar species such as Orius laevigatus which also controls thrips in the canopy.
H.aculeifer “the killer mite” is more voracious in its feeding habits than the similar Hypoaspis miles mite and can penetrate deeper into the soil than H.miles.
Thrip damage is usually indicted by a mottled appearance of the leaves, without webbing on the underside of leaves.
How is the product supplied?
H.aculeifer mites are supplied in compost in a cardboard container. Factitious prey mites Tyrophagus putrescentiae may also be present.
How do I apply the product?
The compost containing the mites can be added directly to the soil where required. These mites work best in a greenhouse environment, but can be used in the field.
How many pots will I need?
For preventative control:
One pot of 3,000 mites is needed for 30m² of greenhouse area.
One pot of 30,000 mites is needed for 300m² of greenhouse area.
For moderate infestations:
One pot of 3,000 mites is needed for 15m² of greenhouse area.
One pot of 30,000 mites is needed for 150m² of greenhouse area.
For heavy infestations:
One pot of 3,000 mites is needed for 6m² of greenhouse area.
One pot of 30,000 mites is needed for 60m² of greenhouse area.
Does the product have a shelf life?
It is advised to apply the product immediately upon receipt. Although the pot could have a shelf life of 2-3 days upon receipt if maintained at ambient temperatures and application is not possible.
How quickly can the product be delivered?
We are a UK company and produce our own biologicals and so we are able to dispatch organisms the next day with DHL. Please ensure that delivery can be made at the designated address or advise of a safe place for delivery as the quality of the live product may be affected if delivery is delayed. Please note we are unable to supply biological control to the EU