Typhlodromus pyri
What pest can T.pyri be used for?
Typhlodromus pyri is a predatory mite found in orchards and vineyards. It preys mainly on the apple rust mite, European red mite and two-spotted spider mite. No orchard or vineyard should be without this mite and once introduced, we recommend a further application every year to ensure a heathy population is available. T. pyri adults overwinter in diapause and emerge in early April. T.pyri will feed on pollen in the absence of pest mites and so populations remain, once established. Introduction of these mites is best performed when pest mites are visible or during the flowering period to ensure food is readily available. These mites can be slow to migrate and disperse, so may need to be introduced into new orchard plantations. During the summer, several generations develop, and the population is usually made up of equal numbers of adults, nymphs and eggs.
These mites can also be useful to the soft fruit gardener and are handy to apply to fruit cages or poly tunnels. They can be particularly useful in controlling the strawberry mite (Phytonemus pallidus). Damage to look out for from the strawberry mite is a characteristic down-curling of the strawberry leaf edges. Generally, pest mite infestations are usually indicated by the presence of mottled leaves and the appearance of webbing under the leaves.
How is the product supplied?
100 eggs are supplied in a cardboard pot and supplied with feed.
How do I apply the product?
The lid is removed and the pot is hung in a tree or on a plant. The mites will emerge from the holes and establish in the tree.
How many pots will I need?
We recommend one pot per tree or one pot for every 3rd vine.
Does the product have a shelf life?
It is advised to apply the product immediately upon receipt. Although the pot could have a shelf life of 2-3 days upon receipt if maintained at ambient temperatures and application is not possible due to severe weather.
How quickly can the product be delivered?
We are a UK company and produce our own biologicals and so we are able to dispatch organisms the next day with DHL. Please ensure that delivery can be made at the designated address or advise of a safe place for delivery as the quality of the live product may be affected if delivery is delayed. Please note we are unable to supply biological control to the EU